On-site Taper Grinding
Centerline Inc. now offers On-Site Machine Tool Taper Grinding for CAT/BT and various other tapers and in some cases Big Plus and HSK.
We will grind on-site. We will inspect the spindle pre-grind to assure the spindle is in good operating shape and we will provide a full post-grind inspection including tool gap, contact, runouts and draw force.
- Tool changer misalignment causes tapers to wear prematurely and unevenly.
- Worn or dirty tools can cause high spots or gouging in the taper leading to bad finishes.
- Worn tapers with bad contact or bell mouthing can lead to chatter or poor finish
Cause and Effects of Bad Tapers
Advantages of On-Site Grinding
- Cost and time savings compared to pulling the spindle and sending it in for grinding or repair.
- Less machine down time. Average time to grind on-site is 5 hours or less.
- Full analysis of spindle condition on-site.